David Bowie, in arrivo un box-set con demo e inediti


Nel giorno di quello che sarebbe stato il settantaduesimo compleanno di David Bowie, la Parlophone ha annunciato per la prossima primavera la pubblicazione di Spying Through A Keyhole, un box contenente una serie di 7″ con demo e registrazioni inedite risalenti al periodo precedente la realizzazione di Space Oddity, di cui quest’anno si celebra il cinquantennale. Il titolo arriva da un verso di Love All Around, uno dei brani presenti nella raccolta. Eccoli tutti nel dettaglio:

Mother Grey (demo)
This mid-tempo tale of a fledgling son fleeing the nest features multi-tracked vocals, guitars and harmonica from David.
In The Heat Of The Morning (demo)
A well-known early Bowie song but presented here in demo form with final lyrics.
Goodbye 3d (Threepenny) Joe (demo)
A charming demo from 1968.
Love All Around (demo)
A delightful love song from whence the title of this collection came: “I see a pop tune spying through a keyhole from the other room”.
London Bye, Ta-Ta (demo)
An early demo version of the song with completely different lyrics in a couple of the verses compared to those of the later full band versions.
Angel, Angel, Grubby Face (demo version 1)
The first and only previously known demo of this song.
Angel, Angel, Grubby Face (demo version 2)
A later version of the same song with alternative lyrics.
Space Oddity (demo excerpt)
The lyric and arrangement variations lend weight to the theory that this is possibly the first ever recorded demo of one of Bowie’s most famous songs.
Space Oddity (demo – alternative lyrics) (with Hutch)
Originally conceived as a song for a duo to perform, this is the first known version to feature John ‘Hutch’ Hutchinson again with lyric and arrangement variations.

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